okay then: just making sure ^^;
Recent community posts
you're welcome; anyways, bad news: did what I said and tried an older save file, only to run into the exact same problem when I got to the tower later on, I.e. I'm not entirely sure what's going on here, but I'm sorry to say that it's entirely possible that there might still be some bugs that are still in the game at this point in time :|
bit of an issue with the book in the town hall, I.e. it won't let me read it without Intelligence being at a certain level and yet reading said book is how one generally increases Intelligence in this game, at least from what I saw in the game files and/or past playthroughs I.e. I'm wondering what was going on here :|
"Part 2 will release on Thursday featuring the Goblin Queen!" (looks at the calendar; sees that it's Friday) I believe that THIS ( https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.57750d3fb804b74b6da14961e0273352?rik=X%2b60g%2bSGr1HceA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&sres=1&sresct=1 ) sums up my thoughts here quite nicely, though feel free to let me know if I might be missing something here by saying that
having trouble getting the NPC that gives me the side quest for completing Bianca's pet level up to show up, and I've shown up in appropriate area listed in the walkthrough multiple times (after leaving the area completely like I was instructed) after finishing the first contract in the Vampire route: is there something I should know here? :|
figured out how to get the elf ears for anyone whose interested: there was a mission I could gain by talking to Mortai a couple of times (though you might need to click the space in front of her to ACTUALLY talk with her due to some bugs in the code or what-have-you) where one would be able to gain said ears
I'm having a bit of trouble unlocking Grettel's room, i.e. I have the wood, the stone, the nails, AND the money, but I can't seem to figure out how to collect 10 of that last item to complete the order and/or where I'm supposed to find said item in the first place: any chance someone could help me out here?